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Thanksgiving Holiday Break

As we approach the start of another holiday season, we
here in PD&R would just like to thank you for allowing us
to be a part of your work, your continuing education, and
your world. We have much to be thankful for - the passion
for learning and compassion for others certainly make it
onto the short list - but after our families and our
friends, we have to acknowledge our colleagues, our
contractors, and most of all, our clients. Your desire to
continually raise expectations of what's possible for
housing in America keeps us focused on providing you with
the highest possible quality and range of information
products and resources available to the housing research
and practitioner communities.

On behalf of the management and staff of the HUD USER
Research Information Service and Clearinghouse, and HUD's
Office of Policy Development & Research, we wish you all
a safe, joyous, and relaxing Thanksgiving holiday.
Please contact HUD USER at:
P.O. Box 23268
Washington, DC 20026-3268
1-800-927-7589 (TDD)
202-708-9981 (fax)
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