Newsflash: The 2003 American Housing Survey Wall Chart
is now available. This poster-format detailed 'snapshot'
of U.S. housing data is a joint production of U.S. HUD
and the U.S. Department of Commerce, and is available
free to our HUD USER News Listserv subscribers. Call
1-800-245-2691 and ask for yours today.
HUD has recently released rent estimates at the 50th
percentile (or median) for all Fair Market Rent (FMR)
areas. In general, these rent estimates are not FMRs.
Public housing agencies are allowed to use 50th percentile
rents as FMRs in just 39 metropolitan areas; in addition,
special exceptions are sometimes made for tight markets,
where voucher holders are having a particularly difficult
time using their vouchers. For further information, see
the Interim Rule (Federal Register Vol. 65, No. 191,
Monday October 2, 2000, pages 58870-58875). HUD is
publishing the 50th percentile rents for all jurisdictions
because the Department receives frequent requests for
this information.
Fair Market Rents serve as the basis for the payment
standards used to calculate subsidies under the Rental
Voucher program. HUD annually estimates FMRs for 354
metropolitan areas and 2,350 nonmetropolitan county FMR
FMRs are gross rent estimates. They include the shelter
rent plus the cost of all utilities, except telephones.
In most jurisdictions, the FMR is the 40th percentile
rent; i.e., the 40th percentile in the distribution of
rents of all units occupied by recent movers (renter
households who moved to their present residence within
the past 15 months). Public housing units and units less
than 2 years old are excluded.
The FY 2005 50th Percentile Rent Estimates are available
as a free download from HUD USER at
or by calling 1-800-245-2691.
Please contact HUD USER at:
P.O. Box 23268
Washington, DC 20026-3268
1-800-927-7589 (TDD)
202-708-9981 (fax)
The HUD USER News listserv was created to keep
professionals in the fields of housing and community
development abreast of new research and resources
available from the U.S. Department of Housing and Urban
Development's Office of Policy Development and Research
(PD&R). Periodically, publications and announcements will
be sent via the listserv.
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Newsflash: The 2003 American Housing Survey Wall Chart
is now available. This poster-format detailed 'snapshot'
of U.S. housing data is a joint production of U.S. HUD
and the U.S. Department of Commerce, and is available
free to our HUD USER News Listserv subscribers. Call
1-800-245-2691 and ask for yours today.
HUD has recently released rent estimates at the 50th
percentile (or median) for all Fair Market Rent (FMR)
areas. In general, these rent estimates are not FMRs.
Public housing agencies are allowed to use 50th percentile
rents as FMRs in just 39 metropolitan areas; in addition,
special exceptions are sometimes made for tight markets,
where voucher holders are having a particularly difficult
time using their vouchers. For further information, see
the Interim Rule (Federal Register Vol. 65, No. 191,
Monday October 2, 2000, pages 58870-58875). HUD is
publishing the 50th percentile rents for all jurisdictions
because the Department receives frequent requests for
this information.
Fair Market Rents serve as the basis for the payment
standards used to calculate subsidies under the Rental
Voucher program. HUD annually estimates FMRs for 354
metropolitan areas and 2,350 nonmetropolitan county FMR
FMRs are gross rent estimates. They include the shelter
rent plus the cost of all utilities, except telephones.
In most jurisdictions, the FMR is the 40th percentile
rent; i.e., the 40th percentile in the distribution of
rents of all units occupied by recent movers (renter
households who moved to their present residence within
the past 15 months). Public housing units and units less
than 2 years old are excluded.
The FY 2005 50th Percentile Rent Estimates are available
as a free download from HUD USER at
or by calling 1-800-245-2691.
Please contact HUD USER at:
P.O. Box 23268
Washington, DC 20026-3268
1-800-927-7589 (TDD)
202-708-9981 (fax)
The HUD USER News listserv was created to keep
professionals in the fields of housing and community
development abreast of new research and resources
available from the U.S. Department of Housing and Urban
Development's Office of Policy Development and Research
(PD&R). Periodically, publications and announcements will
be sent via the listserv.
Share HUD USER's resources and information with a
colleague. Please consider forwarding this e-mail to an
associate who may be interested in the resources HUD USER
has to offer. Thanks!
To stay abreast of new HUD research and resources,
subscribe to HUD USER News. This listserv will
automatically e-mail you publication announcements and
other notices from HUD's Office of Policy Development and
Research. To subscribe, send a message to:
hudusernews@huduser.gov. In the subject of the message,
type: subscribe. For example:
To: hudusernews@huduser.gov
Subject: subscribe
You will receive a confirmation message with instructions
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archives, and how to unsubscribe. You may use your web
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