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Labor Day Holiday Break

As the Summer winds down and we begin to think about
getting the kids, the significant other -- or perhaps
ourselves -- ready to head back to school or to work, the
HUD USER Clearinghouse management and staff would like to
take a moment to thank all of our subscribers for your
ongoing support, and to wish everyone a long and relaxing
holiday weekend.

If you're like some of us, you may have only managed to
escape for a brief roadtrip or two between seemingly
endless rounds of meetings, deadlines, and the other
pressing demands of the day. If that's the case, you're
probably wondering where yet another summer has gone. Of
course, at the other end of the spectrum are those who
are more adept at relaxation planning, and who absolutely
must have a week or two in the mountains, at the shore,
or on another continent altogether in order to maintain
an even keel. You can easily spot the members of this
group by the conspicuous absence of furrows in their brow
and the abundance of interesting stories they have to
tell. Those of us in the first group would do well to
take a page from the second group's book, and start
planning a real vacation for the Fall right now -- at
least a week, two if you can, and ideally, to a place
you've never been. That way, just about the time when
your summer vacation coleagues' tans are beginning to
fade (along with their memories of beach volleyball and
sightseeing trips to exotic lands), we can come back
fully energized, having soaked up the colors of Autumn
and filled our lungs with generous helpings of crisp
night air. Under these circumstances, it is vitally
important to resist the urge to gloat, and to
magnanimously offer our colleagues the opportunity to
live vicariously through us for a change!

So buy those unrefundable tickets, put in your requests
for leave, and make some time to rest, recharge, and
revitalize with your family and friends. If you don't
consciously set about making it happen, another year --
or two -- will pass, and you'll find yourself reluctantly
flipping the calendar to another September, wondering
(with that eerie sense of deja vu) just where all the
time has gone. At this point, you may be wondering, "What
does all of this have to do with research?" Well,
research has shown that vacations are actually good for
productivity, and offer numerous benefits for our mental,
physical, and spiritual health. And as our long-time
subscribers know, at HUD USER, we take our research
seriously... and hope you will, too.

Wishing everyone a (seriously) enjoyable Labor Day

The HUD USER Research Information Service Clearinghouse

PS: If you need some fine late summer beach reading, why
not take along a copy of the latest issue of the
ResearchWorks newsletter, which features some interesting
articles on indoor environmental quality, health, safety,
and a possible vision of what housing might look like in
the future. The electronic version can be downloaded from
Like the electronic version, hard copy (printed)
subscriptions are also free. Sign up for yours on our
subscriptions page
Please contact HUD USER at:
P.O. Box 23268
Washington, DC 20026-3268
1-800-927-7589 (TDD)
202-708-9981 (fax)
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