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Just Released: Updates to the LIHTC Database

Updates to the Low-Income Housing Tax Credit (LIHTC) database are now available in a new HUD report entitled "Updating the Low-Income Housing Tax Credit (LIHTC) Database: Projects Placed in Service Through 2000." The report includes information on projects placed in service in 2000 as well as small revisions to the data on projects placed in service in 1998 and 1999. It also provides a longitudinal and cross-sectional analysis of LIHTC project characteristics.

The report shows that the number of projects placed in service remained fairly constant over the study period. However, the number of units increased, indicating a larger average project size. "Updates" also presents an analysis of regional development patterns using geo-coded LIHTC data. This analysis finds that just under half of LIHTC units placed into service from 1995 to 2000 are located in central cities, and nearly two-fifths are in metro area suburbs, similar to the distribution of occupied rental housing units overall.

Over time, the shares of LIHTC projects in central cities and non-metro areas have dropped while the proportion in suburban locations has increased. Tax credit properties tend to be developed in areas with favorable cost environments, either because the area has relatively low development costs or because it is a Difficult Development Area (an area with high development costs relative to incomes, qualifying the project to claim an increased basis). Neighborhoods containing tax credit projects tend to have more low-income households, higher poverty rates, minority populations, and proportions of female-headed families with children, and more renter occupied units than neighborhoods generally.

The Low-Income Housing Tax Credit (LIHTC) program enables states to issue federal tax credits for the acquisition, rehabilitation, or new construction of affordable rental housing. HUD created the LIHTC database to facilitate the analysis of LIHTC program data; the program is administered by 58 independent agencies. The creation and maintenance of the LIHTC database is part of a larger effort by HUD to enable the entire research and policy community to participate in the analysis of federal programs by making data more readily available.

A complete copy of "Updating the Low-Income Housing Tax Credit (LIHTC) Database: Projects Placed in Service Through 2000" is available at:

To access the LITHC database, visit:

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