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AHS and Nontraditional Mortgage Products

A new report, "The American Housing Survey and Non-Traditional Mortgage
Products," has been posted to the AHS HUD USER web site, .  You can find the PDF
document in the "TECHNICAL SUPPLEMENTS" section.

This report was written by Frederick J. Eggers and Donald Bradley of
Econometrica, Inc., under contract with HUD's Office of Policy
Development and Research.  Its purpose is to examine the extent to which
nontraditional mortgage products can be identified using the AHS
microdata and to make recommendations concerning how the AHS instrument
could be modified to improve its coverage of mortgage characteristics.
The report describes the features of nontraditional mortgage products,
the mortgage data collected by the AHS, and the mortgage modules of
other important data sources, such as the Survey of Consumer Finance and
the Residential Finance Survey.  The final section of the report is a
detailed examination of the mortgage module code used in the 2005 AHS
instrument, with suggestions for additions, changes, and deletions.

Dav Vandenbroucke
Senior Economist
U.S. Dept. HUD