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OT: Cityscape (call for contributors)


The US Department of Housing and Urban Development, Office of
Policy Development and Research, publishes a thrice-yearly
journal called "Cityscape," subtitled "A Journal of Policy
Development and Research." You can examine the online
version at .

I have been asked to edit a new department of Cityscape,
tentatively called "Data Shop." It is to consist of a short
note (3-5 pages) in each issue, concerning practical advice
for using published datasets. The idea is to allow analysts
to share what they have learned and thus allow others to
benefit. We are thinking in terms of data pitfalls,
work-arounds, ways of combining data, and so on. The point
is to talk about the nitty-gritty of working with the data,
not to present results based on it.

Often when we do our research, part of the fun is getting the
data to tell us their story--many times, a story the dataset
was never designed to tell. Professional journals usually
want authors to concentrate on the outcome of their research,
and not on the tricks and difficulties of arriving at the
outcome. This department gives you the opportunity to share
some of that effort with an audience that would appreciate it.

If you have any ideas for a contribution to this new
department, please get in touch with me by email. Your
contribution may be about the American Housing Survey or any
other dataset, provided it is related to urban or housing

Dav Vandenbroucke
Senior Economist
U.S. Dept. HUD
202-708-1060 ext. 5890