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OT: Upcoming Seminar on Hispanic Homeownership -- June 1, 2006


HUD is  holding a research seminar on Hispanic Homeownership from
9:00 am to 12:30 on June 1 in the Departmental conference room
(10233) of the HUD headquarters building in Washington, DC.  Papers
will be presented from our study on improving opportunities for
Hispanic homeownership.  The agenda below provides further details.
We hope you will be able to attend.  Note that June 1 is the day
after the AREUEA Mid-Year meetings in Washington.

Please also feel free to forward this invitation to others that you
think might be interested.

The HUD headquarters building is located at 451 7th Street SW in
Washington.  It is right next to the L'Enfant Plaza Metro station.
You will need a picture ID to get into the building.  

Visitors from outside HUD should arrive no later than 8:30 to be
sure of being processed through building security and seated in
10233 by 9:00 AM.Bagels, coffee, orange juice, etc. will be

While a reply, if you plan to attend, would be appreciated, it is
not required for anyone to attend the seminar.

Contact LaShawn Peasant (, 202-708-3080)
with replies and questions.

Dav Vandenbroucke
Senior Economist
U.S. Dept. HUD
202-708-1060 ext. 5890


8:30 - 9:00  Arrival

9:00 - 9:15  Welcome

9:15 - 9:40  Improving Hispanic Homeownership Opportunities: A
Review of the Literature
Chris Herbert, Alvaro Cortes, Erin Wilson, and Elizabeth Clay

9:40 - 10:00  Efforts to Improve Homeownership Opportunities for
Hispanics: Case Studies of Three Market Areas
Alvaro Cortes, Erin Wilson, Chris Herbert, and Pedram Mahdavi

10:00 - 10:15  Review of Selected Underwriting Guidelines to
Identify Potential Barriers to Hispanic Homeownership
Kimberly Burnett, Alvaro Cortes, and Chris Herbert

10:15 - 10:45  Language, Agglomeration, and Hispanic Homeownership
Stuart Rosenthal and Donald Haurin

10:45 - 11:00  Break

11:00 - 11:30  Housing Tenure, Expenditure, and Satisfaction across
Hispanic, African-American, and White Households: Evidence from the
American Housing Survey
Tom Boehm and Alan Schlottmann

11:30 - 12:00  Homeownership Rate Differences Between Hispanics and
Non-Hispanic Whites: Regional Variation at the County Level
George Masnick

12:00 - 12:30  Mortgage Pricing Differentials across Hispanic, Black
and White Households:  Evidence from the American Housing Survey
Tom Boehm and Alan Schlottmann