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RE: More on "Weight"

Yes, you can use the “weight” with any other variable, but you need to be careful since it might lead to erroneous interpretation. You can use the weight variable with anything involving housing units.

However, the weighted estimates might be slightly off if you are trying to estimate something which is NOT at the housing unit level. For example, if you wanted to do person level analysis, the weights may or may not be exactly accurate. It may be close enough for what you want to do, but you should be cautious.

For what you’re doing, using the weight variable is appropriate.


Gregory Watson
Vice President
ICF Consulting
703-934-3694 (v)
703-934-3156 (f)

ICF Consulting has, and is, supporting HUD’s Office of Policy Development and
Research as a contractor. All opinions are that of ICF Consulting only.

      -----Original Message-----
      From: []
      Sent: Friday, May 21, 2004 12:05 PM
      To: Watson, Gregory
      Subject: More on "Weight"

      From: American Housing Survey (AHS) ListServ <>

      Can you use the “weight” variable with any other variable? For example is you
      want to know the total # of units with rents between $0 and $500 in an SMSA,
      then can you get a subset of data that meets that criteria and sum the weight
      for the observations to get an estimate of the total # of units in the SMSA
      with rents between $0 and $500?

      Additionally, if you switch your focus to households and create a subset of
      data of households with incomes between $0 and $10000 in an SMSA, then can you
      sum the weight for those observations to get an estimate of the total # of
      households in the SMSA with incomes between $0 and $10000?

      Thanks for assistance!

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