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AHS Variable Name Index


The AHS Variable Name Index, A new documentation aid, has been added to the HUD USER web site:

You can find it in the "Technical Supplements" section.

The AHS Variable Name Index is a large table that shows which variables are present in which years for all American Housing Survey (AHS) public use files
(PUF), 1973-2003. Analysts can use this index to check whether a variable was present in a certain survey year and the range of years in which variables were used. Users of the datasets since the 1997 redesign will also be able to determine the specific file in which they will find each variable.

The variable name index is downloaded as a zip archive, which contains an explanatory text file and the index itself, in comma separated values (csv) format. This format can be imported into most spreadsheet, database, and statistical packages.

By the way, the "2003" above was NOT a typo. The index is current through the yet-to-be released 2003 PUF.

Dav Vandenbroucke
U.S. Dept. HUD
202-708-1060 ext. 5890