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AHS: 2003 Update


I just thought you'd like to know that yesterday we received our first copy of the AHS 2003 national dataset, for quality control purposes. We will begin comparing it against previous datasets, checking for unusually large changes, and working with the Census Bureau to determine whether these are real changes in the housing stock or evidence of errors in processing.

I know that what you really want to know is when you can get your hands on the data. All I can give you is my stock answer, that we will release the file as soon as it is ready. From previous experience, I don't expect that to be before the beginning of the summer.

I'm also pleased to be able to report that last week we signed a contract with Econometrica, Inc. for analytical support services, including quality control, codebook maintenance, and additional studies. Econometrica was a subcontractor for last year's analytical support contract and featured in the housing loss and rental dynamics studies. Last year's prime contractor, ICF Consulting, is now a subcontractor, meaning that we still have access to their expertise.

In addition to the quality control and codebook tasks, this year's contract includes a combined CINCH and rental dynamics study based on the 2002 metro survey, a look at remodeling behavior just before and after houses are sold, and an examination of differences in commuting patterns between recent movers and those who change jobs without moving.

Dav Vandenbroucke
U.S. Dept. HUD
202-708-1060 ext. 5890