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AHS Digest


Here are the AHS Digest messages:

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From: "james" <> on 1/26/2004 11:47:10 AM
Subject: reply


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From: "sharon kibiloski" <> on 1/27/2004 1:52:15 AM
Subject: Question concerning renting to a elderly vet

I was sent to this site by another hud site. I wanted to know if there is any
department I can contact in regards to renting a small furnished efficency apt.
to a vet or elderly person who can still basically take care of themselves but
I or my husband could check on them? I am disasabled myself and in Nov had my
4th anterior bone fusion in my spine second titanium plate and screws put in I
had a very good job that I had to give up and we are now either going to have
to sell our home in the country or add a small sitting room and seperate entry
door. The first thing I need to do is find out if there is an organization can
give me the name of whom ever would be in charge of this. We really don't just
want to advertise at this point.Even though I have to use a cane I could check
on the person or if they were able we would just leave he or she alone.

I would greatly appreciate any information we are going to list ur home at tje
emd lf tje week

Sincerely Sharon Hopkins Michigan

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From: "sharon kibiloski" <> on 1/30/2004 1:23:20 AM
Subject: please discontinue email I had the wrong site

Please discontinue mailing

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