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AHS Digest


Here are the AHS Digest messages:

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From: Rachel Drew <> on 1/12/2004 11:36:14 AM
Subject: Re: file flattening program for Stata

The latest version of STATA - version 8 - has a new command that reads in the
SAS transport files that the AHS also comes in and converts them into STATA
files. The command is "fdause" then the path to the file, or you can do it by
choosing File - Import - SAS XPT from the pull down menus. If you are a STATA
user and not a SAS user, this is much easier than working with the seven ASCII
files. The other advantage is it keeps all the variable names and descriptions
that come with the SAS download. It doesn't however rectangularize the
person-level data like the ASCII files do, but if you're primary interest is
just with the units and householders (and not other persons in the household),
then this method works great.

Rachel Drew
Research Assistant
Joint Center for Housing Studies

At 03:31 PM 1/9/2004, you wrote:
From: American Housing Survey (AHS) ListServ <>

Richard Levy asks:

>>Has anyone developed a Stata program that merges the seven or so AHS files
into one flat file? <<

I'd love to have a copy for the user-supplied programs library on our web site.

Dav Vandenbroucke
U.S. Dept. HUD
202-708-1060 ext. 5890

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From: on 1/16/2004 1:48:35 PM
Subject: AHS: Updated 2001 and 2002 Value Label Packages

The value label packages for the 2001 and 2002 American Housing Survey datasets
have been updated on the HUD USER web site. These packages are sets of files
that create SAS formats for most of the character variables in the AHS
datasets. If you use these packages with your SAS datasets, your tables will
show labels in English rather than numeric codes.

The packages were updated to fix an error in the labels for the allocation
variables (all of those "J" variables). The previous versions of the packages
reversed the meanings of values '1' and '2.' The correct coding for the
allocation variables is:

0 No change
1 Other edit change
2 Changed by hot deck
Blank Not reported

Note that the current version of the codebook (version 1.50) has the same error
in it. We will correct this the next time the codebook is revised.

The URL for the 2001 AHS web page is:

The URL for the 2002 AHS web page is:

Dav Vandenbroucke
U.S. Dept. HUD
202-708-1060 ext. 5890

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