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AHS: Who Uses the Wall Charts?

We've been exchanging email among HUD, the Census Bureau, and ICF
Consulting (who run HUD USER) concerning production runs for the 2001 AHS
report and the wall chart or poster.  I was a bit surprised to learn that
HUD USER had almost completely run out of 1999 wall charts, out of an
original stock of 3000.  I'm curious to know where they go.  If you are a
user of the charts, particularly in quantity, please send me an email about
it, or send a reply to the mailing list.

Note that, as always, to reply to the list you must enter the list address
into the "To" field of your email client.  Just hitting your reply button
will address you message to me only.

Dav Vandenbroucke
U.S. Dept. HUD
202-708-1060 ext. 5890