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Rent Control studies


The message below was sent to me, but it really was a question that should
have been asked of all of you.  If you reply, please do so to the mailing
list ( or to Mr. Williamson (  Don't
just hit your "reply" button, because then your information will go back to

--Dav Vandenbroucke

David - I am very interested in any research on the effect of rent control
on the production, availability and quality of affordable rental housing;
particular before-and-after analysis of communities which have enacted rent
control or adjusted or eliminated existing rent control regulations.  Any
recommendations you could make would be greatly appreciated.
Thank you
Michael Williamson


Michael A. Williamson
O'Melveny & Myers LLP
400 S. Hope Street
Los Angeles, California  90071-2899
(213) 430-6663
(213) 430-6407 Fax