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AHS Volume 1 Codebook Available Online


The "Volume 1" AHS, codebook, the standard reference for AHS datasets from
1973 through 1995, is now available for online access on the HUD USER web
site, at

On that page, you will find links to a set of PDF files, each containing a
chapter or group of chapters from the codebook.  Because we don't have an
electronic version of the original text, these documents are scanned images
of the paper codebook.  There are several drawbacks to this approach.
First, the files are large.  The complete codebook is about 38 MB, which is
larger than an AHS dataset.  Second, you will be unable select and copy
sections of the text, since the documents are just pictures of the printed
pages.  Third, you won't be able to search for text, for the same reason.
Fourth, screen readers, which are programs that translate text into speech,
will be unable to read these files.  Despite these drawbacks, we thought
that having this reference online would still be useful.  We've broken it
into chapters so that you can download or read just the sections that you

Paper copies can still be ordered from HUD USER.

Dav Vandenbroucke
U.S. Dept. HUD
202-708-1060 ext. 5890