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Removing Building Regulatory Barriers


Author(s): International Code Council    

Report Acceptance Date: January 2004 (51 pages)

Posted Date: August 18, 2006

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As part of its strategic goal to increase the availability of decent, safe, and affordable housing in American communities, the U.S. Department of Housing and Urban Development (HUD) has been involved in efforts to advance housing technology through its administration of the Partnership for Advancing Technology in Housing (PATH). This Federal initiative works to accelerate the creation and widespread use of new building products and technologies to improve the quality, durability, environmental performance, energy efficiency, disaster-resistance, and affordability of our nation's housing.

Building regulatory activities directly and indirectly affect new building technology research, development and deployment. For instance, a building technology developer may devote resources to research and development of a building technology, discovering too late in the process that the technology does not meet building regulatory criteria. As a consequence the technology must then be tested, retested, redesigned or significant documentation developed indicating it meets the intent but not the specific criteria of adopted codes. Similarly, local code officials may be reluctant to approve a technology submitted in a homebuilding permit application unless sufficient documentation showing code compliance on the basis of performance equivalency with the code is provided or there is specific guidance in their codes and regulations pertaining to the new technology to minimize the need for such documentation. Builders may also not want to assume the liability for a non-traditional technology or invest the time necessary to secure approval; consequently more traditional technology is used. These and other situations impact the ability for new building technology to contribute to the PATH objectives.

Publication Categories: Publications     Housing Production and Technology     Regulation and Housing Industry    


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