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AHS Web Site Developments

Topics in this message:

1. Revised 1999 ASCII file is online.
2. 1999 Update-only file is in the works.
3. Updated 1999 documentation file is in the works
4. New codebook link moved.
5. AHS Data Users' FAQ released

1. Revised 1999 ASCII file is online.

The ASCII version of the revised 1999 national file is now on the HUD USER
web site at

2. 1999 Update-only file is in the works.

Cushing Dolbeare suggested that we put up a file with just the changed
variables in the 1999 file, plus CONTROL, so that current users wouldn't
have to download the whole dataset.  We're working on that.  It should be
ready in a day or two.  It will be an ASCII file, but we will include a
program for easy conversion to SAS.  This file will be removed from the Web
site after a few months, to avoid confusing new users.

3. Updated 1999 documentation file is in the works

We're working on a zip file containing the new descriptive statistics and
so forth to go with the revised 1999 dataset.  It will be posted as soon as
we have all the pieces assembled.

4. New codebook link moved

Now that the new codebook is in final form, we have moved its link into the
"Download Codebooks" section of  We've also removed the
link to the Volume 3 codebook, as that document is now obsolete.

5. AHS Data Users' FAQ released

After a long gestation period, there is now a Frequently Asked Questions
document for AHS data users.  It can be downloaded from  Look in the "Technical
Supplements" section.  As with all such documents, this one will me
modified regularly.  I will be happy to receive any suggestions for changes
or additions.

Dav Vandenbroucke
U.S. Dept. HUD
202-708-1060 ext. 5890