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AHS: Worst Case Needs 2007 Report Released


From: American Housing Survey (AHS) ListServ <>

The 2007 Worst Case Needs report, based largely on the American Housing Survey, has been released and is available for download from HUD USER, at

Worst case housing needs (WCN) are experienced by unassisted very low-income renters who either (1) pay more than one-half of their monthly income for rent; or (2) live in severely inadequate conditions, or both. HUD defines "very low-income" as below 50 percent of the local area median income (AMI) and "extremely low-income" as below 30 percent of AMI.

We plan to post Excel versions of the report tables and the underlying microdata file to HUD USER soon.

Dav Vandenbroucke
Senior Economist
U.S. Dept. HUD

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