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Overall U-Values and Heating/Cooling Loads - Manufactured Homes (Computer Package), 1992


Report Acceptance Date: February 1992 (88 pages)

Posted Date: February 01, 1992

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This manual specifies a method for calculating the overall thermal transmittance (also referred to as the overall U-value or Uo), heating load, and cooling load of a manufactured (mobile) home. One section presents the Uo worksheet that is used to calculate a home's Uo. Inputs to the Uo worksheet come from data generated in the component worksheets. Separate worksheets are provided for the ceiling, walls, and floor. General rules that govern the calculation of component U-value calculation are provided in another section, and the rules specific to the calculation of each component are discussed. The concluding section details the heating and cooling load calculations. The personal-computer-based spreadsheet is no longer available for use in the calculation of the Uo, heating load, and cooling load of a home. Compliance with HUD's Uo and load-calculation regulations contained in Sections 3280.506, 3280.510, and 3280.511 of the Manufactured Home Construction and Safety Standards must be demonstrated through the application of the method presented in the manual. Supplemental information in the appendixes includes definitions of thermal terms, material R-values, load calculation tables, and load calculation weather data.

Publication Categories: Publications     Housing Production and Technology     Manufactured Housing    


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