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The Affordable Housing Demonstration: Valdosta, Georgia


Author(s): NAHB Research Center Inc.    

Report Acceptance Date: October 1984 (28pages)

Posted Date: January 05, 2011

Forrestwood II, the Affordable Housing Demonstration project in Valdosta, Georgia, consists of 90 single-family detached homes. The 15.42 acre site was originally platted for 45 lots of approximately 10,800 square feet each. Once it was selected for the demonstration program, the site was rep1atted at twice the original density--90 homes on lots averaging 5,400 square feet. The rep1at of Forrestwood II included placement of the homes in a zero lot line configuration. Placement of the houses on the lot line provided larger, more usable sideyards than conventional setback placement. The increased density and the use of zero lot line configuration were made possible by a 1980 revision of the Valdosta Zoning and Subdivision Regulations which reduced processing time for the rep1at of Forrestwood II from three months to one month.

This report is part of the collection of scanned historical documents available to the public.

Publication Categories: Historical     Affordable Housing    


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