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National Evaluation of the Housing Opportunities for Persons with AIDS Program (HOPWA)


Author(s): Pollack, Dave     Greenwalt, Kristy     Volk, Deborah     Watson, Gregory J.     Gazan, Heather     Rindt, Jennifer     Patterson, Dena    

Report Acceptance Date: January 2001

Posted Date: January 01, 2001

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HOPWA provides housing assistance and supportive services for low-income persons with HIV/AIDS and their families. This assistance is designed to help eligible persons retain or gain access to appropriate housing where they can maintain complex medication regimens and address HIV/AIDS-related problems.

HOPWA grants provide assistance through formula allocations to eligible States and metropolitan areas and competitive selection of projects proposed by State and local governments and nonprofit organizations. Ninety percent of HOPWA funds are allocated by formula and 10 percent are awarded by competition. The evaluation examined how the housing needs of persons living with HIV/AIDS are being met through HOPWA program; what barriers exist to addressing those needs; coordination with other programs, including healthcare and supportive services, within a community strategy for assisting persons with HIV/AIDS; and how that coordination occurs.

Publication Categories: Publications     Homelessness and Special Needs Services     Homelessness    


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