Native Village of Kwinhagak Site Visit «
February 10, 2012
Sustainable Construction in Indian Country (SCinIC ) team members visited the Native Village of Kwinhagak (NVK) in January 10-12, 2012. NVK is a Yup’k Eskimo community, less than a mile from the Bering Sea coast in Alaska. The community needs to replace nearly one third of its housing stock, and also has overcrowding problems and high energy expenses. NVK is working to adapt existing housing designs to maximize 1) affordability, 2) energy efficiency, and 3) ability to be built, in part, by prospective homeowners with an experienced supervisor as part of a self-help homeownership program.
Team members participated in two meetings with members of the NVK Council, NVK Corporation, and the Quinhagak city mayor. They discussed the merits of two housing designs, the experience of the community learning to build an energy efficient prototype, and the need to build with respect for the local climate and soil structure. The group decided for its 2012 building season to develop three of the Quinhagak prototype and one of the more traditional looking Crooked Creek prototype. These prototypes were developed by the Cold Climate Housing Research Center.
SCinIC team members are currently modifying the two designs to reflect changes discussed at the meeting. They will also update the materials lists to align with the new designs.