Voting for Innovation of the Day Ends Tomorrow!
From 280 globally crowdsourced submissions, we've narrowed it down to 26 highly innovative finalists – now the rest is up to you! Forward-thinking policymakers and practitioners increasingly recognize the interdependencies that exist among housing, health, energy efficiency, community development, capacity building, and urban planning. Now it's time for you to recognize the accomplishments of those who've moved well beyond recognition to take positive action. There's still time to vote, so please take some time to check out how these innovators have tackled local challenges and choose your three favorites. The winners will be celebrated this spring, but we hope you'll agree that all of our finalists are deserving of your time and attention.
By participating in the vote and sharing the IOD Portal with your network of friends and colleagues, you're doing your part to elevate these promising practices, stimulate policy discussion, and connect with other like-minded stakeholders. Click to access the IOD web portal and choose your three favorites today!