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Call For Papers: The History and Future of Zoning


Call For Papers: The History and Future of Zoning

Cityscape is currently soliciting manuscripts for a symposium on zoning on the 100th anniversary of publication of A Standard State Zoning Enabling Act to be published November, 2023. While zoning is considered a local issue, Herbert Hoover, as Secretary of Commerce, promoted model state laws to authorize local zoning and comprehensive planning. This strategy clarified the legal basis for zoning, which facilitated the widespread adoption of zoning throughout the country. It also shows the influence of the federal government on what is considered a local issue. The 100th anniversary of the model enabling act provides an opportunity to reflect on the United States' zoning system and consider alternative ways to organize land use.

This issue seeks manuscripts that consider the factors that contributed to the federal government's development of the enabling act, discuss the implications a century later, and reflect on alternatives that could be implemented now. This symposium is not focused on the regulatory barriers posed by zoning, the relationship between zoning and housing prices, nor the relationship between zoning and racial and economic segregation. Manuscripts for consideration may include but are not limited to:

  1. Intentions of the initial zoning enabling act, considering the political and economic context;
  2. Implications of the federal guidance on zoning 100 years later;
  3. The pros and cons of developing a model zoning ordinance;
  4. Alternative regulatory models that could replace current zoning ordinances, including emerging models at the state and local level or new federal approaches; and
  5. The benefits and risks of deregulating land use.

Authors wishing to submit a paper are first required to submit an abstract of their paper no later than January 13, 2023. Following a review of abstracts, authors will be invited to submit their full manuscript/paper. Send abstracts and questions to

Authors invited to submit a full manuscript/paper are required to submit their manuscript/paper no later than March 31, 2023. The symposium should appear in the November 2023 issue of Cityscape.


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