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MTW Cohort 1 Baseline Survey

This is the Moving to Work (MTW) Expansion Cohort 1 Baseline Survey. This survey must be completed as part of the PHA’s application to participate in cohort 1 of the MTW Expansion. After you complete the survey and submit your responses, the system will notify you and confirm to HUD that the survey was completed. The survey should take about 45 minutes to complete.

Responses to the baseline survey will be used in the evaluation of the MTW expansion.

The Moving to Work (MTW) demonstration was established under Section 204 of the Omnibus Consolidated Rescissions and Appropriations Act of 1996 to provide statutory and regulatory flexibility to participating public housing agencies (PHAs) under three statutory objectives:

  1. To reduce cost and achieve greater cost effectiveness in Federal expenditures
  2. To give incentives to families with children whose heads of household are either working, seeking work, or are participating in job training, educational or other programs that assist in obtaining employment and becoming economically self-sufficient
  3. To increase housing choice for low-income families.

The 2016 MTW Expansion Statute (Section 239 of the Fiscal Year 2016 Appropriations Act, P.L. 114-113) requires that the MTW Expansion PHAs be added to the MTW Demonstration Program in cohorts that will test specific policy changes. The statute further requires that each cohort must be rigorously evaluated. The Baseline Survey will help us complete the rigorous evaluation of cohort 1. For more information about the MTW Expansion, go to this webpage:

The information gathered in the survey will not be used in the determination of whether or not a PHA is awarded MTW status. The Baseline Survey will allow HUD to collect consistent data from all applicant PHAs that will establish basic information about the current operations of each applicant PHA and gather information about the PHA’s motivation to join the MTW demonstration. As explained in the Selection Notice (available at, PHAs applying to participate in cohort 1 of the MTW Expansion will be screened for eligibility by the U.S. Department of Housing & Urban Development (HUD). All eligible applicant PHAs will have an equal chance to be selected into the MTW demonstration.

The survey allows you to exit and return to complete the survey later without losing your work. After submitting the survey (which is only possible to do from the last page), however, you will not be able to return to it to view responses or to make changes. If you erroneously submit a survey, contact to get the problem fixed.

When you have completed the survey fully and are ready to submit your responses, click on the “SUBMIT RESPONSES NOW” button. Your survey responses will be captured and the fact that you have completed the survey will be recorded automatically by the computer system. You should receive an email confirming that you have completed the survey. Completing the survey is a required part of your application to participate in the MTW expansion, so please make sure that you have received your survey completion confirmation well in advance of the application deadline. Any questions regarding the survey should be directed to

INSTRUCTIONS TO APPLICANTS: Please provide the best information that you can in response to each question. Please consult other members of your organization as needed to provide the most accurate information possible. Responses to the survey are not binding; the survey is designed simply to capture the perspectives of the PHA in regard to the motivation to apply to be a part of cohort 1 of the MTW Expansion.

Please Enter a Valid PHA Code

PART 1: Respondent Information

This part of the survey collects some basic information about your PHA, so that we can follow-up to resolve inconsistencies if necessary.

PHA Identification
Please fill in your PHA code. The system will then find the PHA name and acronym. Please make sure the PHA name is correct before continuing with the survey. If you are not sure what your PHA Code is, you can look for it here: You may also send an inquiry to

Note: If you return to this screen at any point, simply enter your PHA code again to see what you have already entered.