MTW Expansion Rent Reform Cohort
This is the baseline survey for the MTW Expansion Rent Reform Cohort. This survey must be completed as part of the PHA’s application to participate in cohort 2 of the MTW Expansion. After you complete the survey and submit your responses, the system will notify you by email and confirm to HUD that the survey was completed.
Responses to the baseline survey will be used in the evaluation of the MTW expansion. The information gathered in this survey will not be used in the determination of whether or not a PHA is awarded MTW status. This baseline survey will only be used for HUD’s research on MTW. Your responses will be reviewed only by the research team and will not be used or shared in a way that would allow you or your PHA to be identified. Please answer the questions candidly.
The purpose of this survey is to help the research team understand each PHA’s motivation for pursuing rent reform and to collect standardized information across sites.
Key Terms
Throughout this survey, the term rent reform means: Changing policies that determine the amount of rent paid by HUD-assisted households—specifically, moving away from the traditional 30% of adjusted income rent calculation.
In the MTW Rent Reform Cohort, HUD intends to test two types of rent reform: tiered rents and stepped rents.
Under a tiered rent structure, households are grouped by income into income tiers or income bands. Within each income tier, rents are fixed and all households pay the same amount.
Under a stepped rent structure, rents are gradually increased (or, in the voucher program, the HUD subsidy is gradually decreased) according to a fixed schedule. Rents are unrelated to a household’s actual income.
In the MTW Rent Reform Cohort, the alternative rents will only apply to non-elderly, non-disabled households. When a question refers to the households served by your PHA, please think specifically about non-elderly, non-disabled households.
Many questions in this survey ask about the PHA’s attitudes, motivations, or priorities. We recognize that there may be many different perspectives within a single PHA—for example, from the Executive Director, the PHA Board of Directors, and other PHA staff. In responding to these questions, please try to represent the perspective of the PHA’s Executive Director and senior leadership.