Source of Data:
This system provides Census 2010 population data for metropolitan and micropolitan areas, cities/places and counties. The American Community Survey (2007- 2009) serves as the source for data on population housing characteristics.

If the "Total Population" is not yet available for 2010, then "Total Population" is based on 2000 Census data

Population Data

The type of applicant is determined by the population range within the applicant's region; applicants will either be Large Metropolitan Regions, Medium-Sized Regions, or Small-Sized Regions, Rural Communities, and Small Town Areas. In order to ensure that the population data used to determine the population of a region is the most current available and easy to access, HUD is providing Census population data. Each applicant must use this data to determine the population of its region. The types of applicants and how award sizes vary with regional population and geographic boundary are explained in detail in Section II of the NOFA.

To download the data, users must select Metro or Micro Area or State below:

For a report on a city/place, county first select:  STATE
For a report on CBSA (a Metro or Micro Area) select:  CBSA

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