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About PD&R: Mission


About PD&R: Mission
PD&R Mission

    ☰  About PD&R

The mission of PD&R is to improve life in American communities by building evidence to inform and strengthen housing and community development policy and practice and accelerate progress on HUD's priorities. To accomplish its mission, PD&R:

  • Provides reliable, objective, and current information on housing and community development needs and market conditions.
  • Conducts rigorous research that helps fill key evidence gaps and evaluates HUD policies and programs, and identifies emerging challenges and opportunities.
  • Supports innovation in building technologies and housing and community development policies.
  • Manages and leverages HUD's data assets to support evidence-based and data-driven policy and program improvements.
  • Builds capacity in the housing and community development field by sharing knowledge, elevating best practices, and providing technical assistance.
  • Provides policy advice and support to the HUD Secretary and program offices and interacts with international counterparts to share knowledge worldwide.