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Just Released: Prescriptive Method for Connecting Cold-Formed Steel Framing to Insulating Concrete Form Walls in Residential Construction

Attention Builders and Developers: There may be building methods you could be using that could save money and increase the availability of affordable housing.

"The Prescriptive Method for Connecting Cold-Formed Steel Framing to Insulating Concrete Form Walls in Residential Construction," recently released by HUD and the Partnership for Advancing Technology in Housing (PATH), was developed as a guideline for the connection of cold-formed steel (CFS) frame assemblies and structures to insulating concrete form (ICF) exterior walls in the construction of single-family homes.

The common connections between cold-formed steel framing and insulating concrete form walls are CFS interior walls to ICF exterior walls, CFS floor decks to ICF exterior walls, CFS roof structures to ICF exterior walls; and upper-story CFS exterior walls to lower-story ICF exterior walls. For each connection there are alternative connection methods that are believed to be economical and reliable, and "The Prescriptive Method" contains recommended specifications for such connections.

It is important to note that the content set forth in this publication is intended for general information only. It is not a substitute for competent professional assistance. Nonetheless, as steel framing continues to gain ground as a viable alternative to the more traditional stick built approach, sound practices such as those described in this new PATH publication should prove to be of interest to builders and developers who are increasingly concerned about the cost, quality, and availability of wood framing materials.

"The Prescriptive Method for Connecting Cold-Formed Steel Framing to Insulating Concrete Form Walls in Residential Construction," is available as a free download at or in printed form for a nominal charge by calling HUD USER at 1-800-245-2691.
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