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AHS Variable Name Index Revised

The AHS Variable Name Index is a comma-separated-values (.csv) file that cross-indexes all the variable names use in American Housing Survey microdata and the datasets in which they appear.  Thus, you can use this file to check which survey years contain a certain variable.  For the 1997 and later surveys, you can also tell the module in which the variable appears.

Most spreadsheet, database, and statistics software can import .csv files with little or no specification.  Thus, you can read the index into Excel, turn it into a SAS dataset, import it into Access, and so on.

The index was recently revised to include the variables in the 2007 metropolitan survey.  You can download the revised file from:

You might also be interested to know that the 2009 AHS is in the field.  A few Census regional offices started conducting their first interviews in late April.

Dav Vandenbroucke
Senior Economist
U.S. Dept. HUD

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