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AHS FWD: Affordable Housing Needs


I am forwarding the announcement below from the HUD USER News mailing
list, because it concerns a major use of the American Housing Survey. My
apologies to those of you who thus receive the announcement twice.

Dav Vandenbroucke
Senior Economist
U.S. Dept. HUD
202-708-1060 ext. 5890

HUD has completed the ninth in a series of reports
designed to help Congress make informed policy decisions
regarding housing assistance. This report is based on
information from the 2003 American Housing Survey, which
was sponsored by HUD and conducted by the U.S. Census
Bureau, and is augmented by data from the Survey of
Income and Program Participation (SIPP).

Households falling into a "worst case need"
classification consist of unassisted renters with very
low incomes (under 50 percent of area median income) who
either pay over half of their income for housing, or live
in severely substandard housing. "Affordable Housing
Needs: A Report to Congress on the Significant Need for
Housing" reports the extent of worst case need and
describes the population who experiences this level of
need. The results are placed in historical perspective
and geographical context, thus identifying trends and
locating concentrations of worst case need. The report
also examines the duration of severe rent burdens on
households and the relationship between availability of
affordable rental housing and worst case need.

In addition, the report compares its estimates and
interpretations with those emanating from other research,
carefully evaluating the effect of differing
methodologies on findings and conclusions. The report can
be downloaded at no cost at

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