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A New National Housing Policy


Report Acceptance Date: October 1987 (1115 Pages)

Posted Date: March 27, 2012

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The 50th anniversary of federal involvement in the provision of housing offers an opportunity to review past accomplishments as well as to make a renewed commitment to address the remaining housing needs of all Americans. Despite significant successes over the past half century, a growing sense of crisis clouds the future of many federal housing programs. Homelessness is a growing national problem, affecting families of all ages. The existing federally assisted housing stock is deteriorating and in need of modernization due to age and neglect. Waiting lists at many assisted housing sites have lengthened into years due to increased demand. Meanwhile a crisis is predicted in the next few years as the number of assisted units is drastically reduced due to years of federal budget cuts, expiring contracts, and prepayments of subsidized loans.

The American Association of Homes for the Aging (AHAA) congratulates the Subcommittee on Housing and Urban Affairs for its bipartisan leadership in looking ahead to the future housing needs of the nation. As a representative of the nation's nonprofit providers of housing and services to the elderly, AHAA looks forward to a continuing dialogue with the Subcommittee and with other groups as we try to forge a comprehensive policy addressing the needs of Americans of all ages, incomes, disabilities, and family statuses.

This report is part of the collection of scanned historical documents available to the public.

Publication Categories: Historical     Publications     Affordable Housing     Other    


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