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Final Evaluation of the Dover Estates Property Disposition Demonstration


Author(s): Peat Marwick Mitchell & Co.    

Report Acceptance Date: September 1978 (125 pages)

Posted Date: January 05, 2011

The Dover Estates demonstration is one of several innovative property disposition efforts in progress around the country. The Department of Housing and Urban Development (HUD) has experienced growing inventories of vacant and boarded-up properties in many urban and suburban areas. usually acquired through default on federally insured mortgages. These properties often attract vandals and other criminal elements. The presence of a large number of empty vandalized houses damages a neighborhood's attractiveness and lowers the value of sound housing in the area. As a result. neither homeowners nor HUD can dispose of their properties without financial loss. and the cycle of abandonment and blight is intensified.

This report is part of the collection of scanned historical documents available to the public.

Publication Categories: Historical     Publications     Community and Economic Development    


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