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Housing Discrimination in the Rental Housing Market Against People Who Are Deaf and People Who Use Wheelchairs: National Study Findings


Author(s): Levy, Diane K.     Aranda, Claudia L.     Turner, Margery Austin     Pitingolo, Rob     Santos, Robert     Ho, Helen     Wissoker, Douglas A.    

Report Acceptance Date: June 2015 (152 pages)

Posted Date: June 25, 2015

This report provides results of the first national paired-testing study of housing discrimination against people who are deaf or hard of hearing and against people who use wheelchairs. Given differences in the challenges faced by people who are deaf or hard of hearing from those experienced by people who use wheelchairs, there are two study designs. Tests with people who are deaf or hard of hearing focused on housing searches conducted with telecommunication relay services, whereas tests with people who use wheelchairs focused on housing searches for accessible buildings and housing units. In both cases, there is systematic evidence of unfavorable treatment. The findings presented here have broad implications for policymakers, fair housing practitioners, and researchers, telecommunications engineers, professionals in the housing construction industry, and those in housing management firms.

Click here for National Study Findings Data


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