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Quality Assurance System for Wood Framing Contractors


Author(s): NAHB Research Center Inc.    

Report Acceptance Date: December 2000 (37 pages)

Posted Date: December 01, 2000

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This document is geared toward the framing activities of home building. It identifies a framework that a contractor can use to develop a quality management program that delivers maximum value. The approach is centered around a series of activities:

1. Identify people to take on certain roles related to your improvement program
2. Determine your goals for improvement and identify performance criteria such as code requirements and specifications
3. Determine a baseline of where you are now through an audit procedure designed to identify deficiencies or opportunities for improvement
4. Provide necessary improvements or training to address deficiencies or opportunities
5. Incorporate regular, periodic follow-up audits and training as a part of doing business.

Publication Categories: Publications     Housing Production and Technology     Building Methods     Other    


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