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Housing Models


Author(s): Locke, Gretchen     Khadduri, Jill     O'Hara, Ann    

Report Acceptance Date: September 2007 (30 pages)

Posted Date: December 31, 2008

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Gretchen Locke, MA, Abt Associates Inc., Cambridge, MA
Jill Khadduri, PhD, Abt Associates Inc., Bethesda, MD
Ann O’Hara, Technical Assistance Collaborative, Boston, MA

Disclaimer: The paper presents the views and opinions of the respective author(s) and does not necessarily represent the views, positions, and policies of the federal government.

This paper provides an overview of current housing and service models for programs serving people who are homeless and synthesizes the research on the efficacy of each model, what we know about which models work for whom, and the implications for preventing and ending homelessness. The authors begin with background on housing, poverty, and homelessness, including a discussion of changes in the policy and program context within which programs for homeless people operate that have affected housing models since the late 1990s. They then review the recent literature—both descriptions of program models and research on outcomes—focusing first on housing models for families and then on housing models for single individuals with disabilities. Finally, the authors suggest implications for preventing or ending homelessness and directions for future research.


Publication Categories: Publications     Homelessness and Special Needs Services     Homelessness    


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