The 1996 HMDA Data: A Closer Look | | [3Q]4 |
HMDA Data | | [3Q]4 |
Growth in Manufactured Home and
B&C Reporting | | [3Q]4 |
Mortgage Rejection Rates | | [3Q]6 |
Affordability Characteristics | | [3Q]7 |
Conclusion | | [3Q]8 |
Annual Index | | [1Q]85 |
Apartment Absorptions | | [1Q]18; [2Q]16; [3Q]16; [4Q]16 |
APPENDIX**, Annual | | [1Q]85; [3Q]85 |
Arizona |
Phoenix | | [4Q]42 |
Builders' Views of Housing Market Activity | | [1Q]20; [2Q]18; [3Q]18; [4Q]18 |
Builders' Views of Housing Market Activity: 1978-Present | | [1Q]63; [2Q]65; [3Q]63; [4Q]59 |
California |
Oakland | | [2Q]47 |
San Diego | | [1Q]47 |
Colorado |
Boulder-Longmont | | [2Q]45 |
Denver | | [3Q]45 |
Completions, Housing | | [1Q]15; [2Q]13; [3Q]13; [4Q]13 |
Connecticut |
New London-Norwich | | [2Q]31 |
Waterbury | | [4Q}26 |
Delaware-Maryland |
Wilmington-Newark | | [1Q]36 |
Delinquencies and Foreclosures | | [1Q]26; [2Q]24; [3Q]24; [4Q]21 |
Existing Single-Family Home Prices: 1968-Present | | [1Q]59; [2Q]61; [3Q]59; [4Q]55 |
Existing Single-Family Home Sales: 1968-Present | | [1Q]57; [2Q]59; [3Q]57; [4Q]53 |
Expenditures for Existing Residential Properties: 1968-Present | | [1Q]73; [2Q]75; [3Q]73; [4Q]69 |
FHA 1-4 Family Mortgage Insurance | | [1Q]22; [2Q]20; [3Q]20; [4Q]20 |
FHA Unassisted Multifamily Mortgage Insurance Activity: 1980-Present | | [1Q]67; [2Q]69; [3Q]67; [4Q]63 |
FHA, VA, and PMI 1-4 Family Mortgage Insurance Activity: 1968-Present | | [1Q]66; [2Q]68; [3Q]66; [4Q]62 |
Florida |
Jacksonville | | [3Q]37 |
The Geographic Distribution of Federally Assisted Housing: | | 1997 [3Q]85 |
Georgia |
Atlanta | | [4Q]32 |
Great Plains Region | | [1Q]43; [2Q]42; [3Q]42; [4Q]37 |
Gross Domestic Product and Residential Fixed Investment: 1959-Present | | [1Q]75; [2Q]77; [3Q]75; [4Q]71 |
HISTORICAL DATA | | [1Q]51; [2Q]53; [3Q]51; [4Q]47 |
Homeownership Rates | | [1Q]29; [2Q]27; [3Q]27; [4Q]24 |
Homeownership Rates by Age of Householder: | | 1982-Present [1Q]81; [2Q]83; [3Q]81; [4Q]77 |
Homeownership Rates by Household Type: 1983-Present | | [1Q]84; [2Q]86; [3Q]84; [4Q]80 |
Homeownership Rates by Race and Ethnicity: 1983-Present | | [1Q]83; [2Q]85; [3Q]83; [4Q]79 |
Homeownership Rates by Region and Metropolitan Status: 1983-Present | | [1Q]82; [2Q]84; [3Q]82; [4Q]78 |
Home Prices | | [1Q]17; [2Q]15; [3Q]15; [4Q]15 |
Home Sales | | [1Q]16; [2Q]14; [3Q]14; [4Q]14 |
Housing Affordability | | [1Q]18; [2Q]16; [3Q]16; [4Q]16 |
Housing Affordability Index: 1970-Present | | [1Q]61; [2Q]63; [3Q]61; [4Q]57 |
Housing Finance | | [1Q]21; [2Q]19; [3Q]19; [4Q]19 |
Housing Inventory | | [1Q]28; [2Q]26; [3Q]26; [4Q]23 |
Housing Investment | | [1Q]27; [2Q]25; [3Q]25; [4Q]22 |
Housing Marketing | | [1Q]16; [2Q]14; [3Q]14; [4Q]14 |
Housing Production | | [1Q]13; [2Q]11; [3Q]11; [4Q]11 |
Housing Stock | | [1Q]28; [2Q]26; [3Q]26; [4Q]23 |
Indiana |
Indianapolis | | [4Q]34 |
Job Loss and Related Changes in Central Cities in the Early 1990s | | [2Q]4 |
Jobs vs. Employment | | [2Q]4 |
Cities and Jobs | | [2Q]4 |
Cities and New Businesses | | [2Q]6 |
Types of Jobs | | [2Q]7 |
Conclusion | | [2Q]8 |
Kansas |
Wichita | | [2Q]43 |
Louisiana |
Baton-Rouge | | [1Q]42 |
Maine |
Portland | | [1Q]32 |
Manufactured (Mobile) Home Placements | | [1Q]19; [2Q]17; [3Q]17; [4Q]17 |
Manufactured (Mobile) Home Shipments | | [1Q]15; [2Q]13; [3Q]13; [4Q]13 |
Manufactured (Mobile) Home Shipments, Residential Placements, Average Prices, and Units for Sale: 1974-Present | | [1Q]55; [2Q]57; 3Q]55; [4Q]51 |
Market Absorption of New Rental Units and Median Asking Rent: 1970-Present | | 1Q]62; [2Q]64; [3Q]62; [4Q]58 |
Michigan |
Detroit | | [2Q]39 |
Mid-Atlantic Region | | [1Q]35; [2Q]33; [3Q]34; [4Q]29 |
Midwest Region | | [1Q]39; [2Q]37; [3Q]38; [4Q]33 |
Minnesota |
St. Cloud | | [3Q]39 |
Missouri |
Columbia | | [1Q]44 |
Missouri-Kansas |
Kansas City | | [3Q]43 |
Mortgage Interest Rates | | [1Q]21; [2Q]19; [3Q]19; [4Q]19 |
Mortgage Delinquencies and Foreclosures Started: 1986-Present | | [1Q]72; [2Q]74; [3Q]72; [4Q]68 |
Mortgage Interest Rates, Average Commitment Rates, and Points: 1972-Present | | [1Q]64; [2Q]66; [3Q]64; [4Q]60 |
Mortgage Interest Rates, Points, Effective Rates, and Average Term to Maturity on Conventional Loans Closed: 1982-Present | | [1Q]65; [2Q]67; [3Q]65; [4Q]61 |
Mortgage Originations, 1-4 Family Units by Lender Type: 1970-Present | | [1Q]70; [2Q]72; [3Q]70; [4Q]66 |
Mortgage Originations, 1-4 Family Units by Loan Type: 1970-Present | | [1Q]68; [2Q]70; [3Q]68; [4Q]64 |
Mortgage Originations by Lender Type, 1-4 Family Units | | [1Q]25; [2Q]23 [3Q]23 |
Mortgage Originations by Loan Type, 1-4 Family Units | | [1Q]23; [2Q]21; [3Q]21 |
NATIONAL DATA | | [1Q]13; [2Q]11; [3Q]11; [4Q]11 |
Nebraska |
Lincoln | | [4Q]38 |
Net Acquisitions, 1-4 Family Units by Lender Type: 1970-Present | | [1Q]71; [2Q]73; [3Q]71; [4Q]67 |
Net Change in Number of Households by Age of Householder: 1971-Present | | [1Q]76; [2Q]78; [3Q]76; [4Q]72 |
Net Change in Number of Households by Race and Ethnicity of Householder: 1971-Present | | [1Q]78; [2Q]80; [3Q]78; [4Q]74 |
Net Change in Number of Households by Type of Household: 1971-Present | | [1Q]77; [2Q]79; [3Q]77; [4Q]73 |
Nevada |
Las Vegas | | [3Q]47 |
New Data on Recipients of HUD-Assisted Housing | | [4Q]4 |
Making Program Data Work | | [4Q]4 |
A Picture of Subsidized Households | | [4Q]4 |
Special Descriptive Measures | | [4Q]6 |
How to Get the Data | | [4Q]8 |
New England Region | | [1Q]32; [2Q]30; [3Q]30; [4Q]26 |
New Hampshire |
Manchester | | [3Q]31 |
New Jersey |
Atlantic City | | [1Q]34 |
Middlesex-Somerset-Hunterdon | | [4Q]28 |
New Privately Owned Housing Units Authorized: 1959-Present | | [1Q]51; [2Q]53; [3Q]51; [4Q]47 |
New Privately Owned Housing Units Completed: 1968-Present | | [1Q]54; [2Q]56; [3Q]54; [4Q]50 |
New Privately Owned Housing Units Started: 1959-Present | | [1Q]52; [2Q]54; [3Q]52; [4Q]48 |
New Privately Owned Housing Units Under Construction: 1969-Present | | [1Q]53; [2Q]55; [3Q]53; [4Q]49 |
New Public Data on Fannie Mae and Freddie Mac | | [1Q]3 |
History of GSE Legislation and Housing Goals | | [1Q]3 |
Overview of the GSE Public Use Data Base | | [1Q]4 |
Studying GSEs' Purchase Activities | | [1Q]5 |
Other Policy Issues | | [1Q]8 |
Availability of the Data Base | | [1Q] 8 |
Housing Finance Working Paper Series | | [1Q]11 |
New Single-Family Home Prices: 1963-Present | | [1Q]58; [2Q]60; [3Q]58; [4Q]54 |
New Single-Family Home Sales: 1964-Present | | [1Q]56; [2Q]58; [3Q]56; [4Q]52 |
New York |
Rochester | | [3Q]33 |
Syracuse | | [2Q]32 |
New York/New Jersey Region | | [1Q]33; [2Q]31; [3Q]31; [4Q]27 |
North Carolina |
Greensboro | | [2Q]37 |
North Dakota-Minnesota |
Grand Forks | | [4Q]40 |
Northwest Region | | [1Q]48; [2Q]48; [3Q]48; [4Q]43 |
Ohio |
Dayton-Springfield | | [1Q]40 |
Oregon |
Salem | | [1Q]49 |
Oregon-Washington |
Portland-Vancouver | | [3Q]49 |
Pacific Region | | [1Q]46; [2Q]46; [3Q]46; [4Q]41 |
Pennsylvania |
Pittsburgh | | [3Q]35 |
Pennsylvania-New Jersey |
Philadelphia | | [4Q]30 |
Permits, Housing | | [1Q]13; [2Q]11; [3Q]11; [4Q]11 |
PMI and VA Activity | | [1Q]22; [2Q]20; [3Q]20; [4Q]20 |
REGIONAL ACTIVITY | | [1Q]31; [2Q]29; [3Q]29; [4Q]25 |
Regional Perspective | | [1Q]3; [2Q]3; [3Q]3; [4Q]3 |
Rental Vacancy Rates: 1979-Present | | [1Q]80; [2Q]82; [3Q]80; [4Q]76 |
Repeat Sales House Price Index:1980-Present | | [1Q]60; [2Q]62; [3Q]60; [4Q]56 |
Residential Fixed Investment and Gross Domestic Product | | [1Q]27; [2Q]25; [3Q]25; [4Q]22 |
Residential Mortgage Originations by Building Type | | [1Q]24; [2Q]22; [3Q]22; [4Q]65 |
Residential Mortgage Originations by Building Type: 1970-Present | | [1Q]69;[2Q]71; [3Q]69 |
Rocky Mountain Region | | [1Q]44; [2Q]44; [3Q]44; [4Q]39 |
South Carolina |
Charleston | | [1Q]38 |
Southeast/Caribbean Region | | [1Q]37; [2Q]35; [3Q]36; [4Q]31 |
Southwest Region | | [1Q]41; [2Q]40; [3Q]40; [4Q]35 |
Starts, Housing | | [1Q]14; [2Q]12; [3Q]12; [4Q]12 |
Summary | | [1Q]1; [2Q]1; [3Q]1; [4Q]1 |
Telephone Rent Surveys | | [3Q]87 |
Texas |
Dallas-Fort Worth | | [3Q]41 |
Lower Rio Grande Valley | | [2Q] |
San Antonio | | [4Q]36 |
Total U.S. Housing Stock: 1970-Present | | [1Q]79; [2Q]81; [3Q]79; [4Q]75 |
Under Construction, Housing | | [1Q]14; [2Q]12; [3Q]12; [4Q]12 |
Units Authorized by Building Permits: 50 Most Active Metropolitan Statistical Areas (Listed by Total Building Permits) | | [4Q]46 |
Units Authorized by Building Permits, Year to Date: HUD Regions and States | | [4Q]45 |
Utah |
Salt Lake City | | [1Q]45 |
Vacancy Rates | | [1Q]29; [2Q]27; [3Q]27; [4Q]24 |
Value of New Construction Put in Place, Private Residential Buildings: 1974-Present | | [1Q]74; [2Q]76; [3Q]74; [4Q]70 |
Virginia |
Richmond-Petersburg | | [2Q]34 |
Washington |
Central Puget Sound | | [4Q]43 |
Tacoma | | [2Q]50 |