Historical Data


iconTable 22. Net Change in Number of Households by Age of Householder: 1971–Present*


Period Total Less Than 25 Years 25 to 29 Years 30 to 34 Years 35 to 44 Years 45 to 54 Years 55 to 64 Years 65 Years and Older
Annual Data
19711 848 NA NA NA NA NA NA NA
1972 1,898 NA NA NA NA NA NA NA
1973 1,575 NA NA NA NA NA NA NA
1974r 1,554 NA NA NA NA NA NA NA
1975 1,358 NA NA NA NA NA NA NA
1976 1,704 NA NA NA NA NA NA NA
1977 1,275 114 87 570 255 85 149 14
1978 1,888 229 213 451 487 (303) 403 409
1979 1,300 122 81 84 359 (17) 101 570
19802 3,446 228 573 935 652 69 241 749
1981 1,592 (127) 262 387 482 40 179 368
1982 1,159 (333) 11 163 864 (189) 243 400
1983 391 (415) (60) (163) 694 (151) 127 359
1984r 1,372 (237) 332 350 549 169 54 156
1985 1,499 (20) (160) 388 912 105 (55) 328
1986 1,669 65 144 252 516 471 (221) 441
1987 1,021 (306) (129) 221 706 112 16 402
1988 1,645 109 (44) 163 624 389 (10) 414
1989 1,706 109 16 287 625 418 (53) 304
1990 517 (294) (201) (251) 602 496 (276) 440
1991 965 (239) (177) 28 750 237 (5) 371
1992 1,364 (23) (433) 120 474 796 36 394
19933 750 398 46 1 84 866 (406) (239)
1994 681 8 (387) 47 431 424 34 124
1995 1,883 179 (72) (193) 621 753 36 559
1996 637 (162) (46) (181) 312 418 177 121
1997 1,391 (122) 293 (204) 597 835 68 (78)
1998 1,510 275 (184) (97) 120 704 603 89
1999 1,346 335 56 (270) 25 611 499 92
2000 831 90 1 (193) (13) 769 21 156
Quarterly Data
4th Quarter
787 334 (31) (94) 8 338 295 (64)
1st Quarter
487 21 (15) 26 74 48 354 (22)
2nd Quarter
259 (131) 155 98 (228) (65) 276 155
3rd Quarter
278 112 (41) 45 (50) 17 187 7
4th Quarter 342 291 (80) (29) (198) 292 44 24

*Units in thousands.

rImplementation of new March CPS processing system.

1Data from 1971 to 1979 weighted based on the 1970 decennial census.

2Data from 1980 to 1992 weighted based on the 1980 decennial census.

3Beginning in 1993 CPS data weighted based on the 1990 decennial census.

Source: Current Population Survey, Census Bureau

Note: The source of annual data is the Current Population Survey March Supplement. The quarterly data source is the monthly Current Population Survey/Housing Vacancy Survey.

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