Historical Data


iconTable 24. Net Change in Number of Households by Race and Ethnicity of Householder: 1971–Present*


Period Total White, Non-Hispanic Black, Non-Hispanic Other Races, Non-Hispanic Hispanic
Annual Data
19711 848 NA NA NA NA
1972 1,898 NA NA NA NA
1973 1,575 NA NA NA NA
1974r 1,554 NA NA NA NA
1975 1,358 NA NA NA NA
1976 1,704 NA NA NA NA
1977 1,275 832 288 22 133
1978 1,888 1,356 190 119 223
1979 1,300 1,115 96 102 (13)
19802 3,446 2,367 488 198 393
1981 1,592 903 244 223 222
1982 1,159 890 129 66 74
1983 391 218 (37) 105 105
1984r 1,372 434 299 58 581
1985 1,499 938 250 94 217
1986 1,669 954 283 102 330
1987 1,021 527 116 173 205
1988r 1,645 1,053 255 113 224
1989 1,706 947 382 109 268
1990 517 428 (49) 115 23
1991 965 540 156 (18) 287
1992 1,364 590 397 218 159
19933 750 (518) 183 312 774
1994 681 590 (6) (114) 209
1995 1,883 1,307 387 (182) 373
1996 637 (72) (156) 660 204
1997 1,391 308 509 288 286
1998 1,510 696 363 87 365
1999 1,346 641 89 145 470
2000 831 242 245 85 259
Quarterly Data
4th Quarter
787 518 78 82 108
1st Quarter
487 89 197 136 66
2nd Quarter
259 263 (58) (127) 181
3rd Quarter
278 (130) 173 60 174
4th Quarter 342 141 90 26 85

*Units in thousands.

rImplementation of new March CPS processing system.

1Data from 1971 to 1979 weighted based on the 1970 decennial census.

2Data from 1980 to 1992 weighted based on the 1980 decennial census.

3Beginning in 1993 CPS data weighted based on the 1990 decennial census.

Source: Current Population Survey, Census Bureau

Note: The source of annual data is the Current Population Survey March Supplement. The quarterly data source is the monthly Current Population Survey/Housing Vacancy Survey.

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