Historical Data


icon Table 27. Homeownership Rates by Age of Householder: 1982–Present


Period Total Less Than 25 Years 25 to 29 Years 30 to 34 Years 35 to 44 Years 45 to 54 Years 55 to 64 Years 65 Years and Older
Annual Data
1982 64.8 19.3 38.6 57.1 70.0 77.4 80.0 74.4
1983 64.6 18.8 38.3 55.4 69.3 77.0 79.9 75.0
1984 64.5 17.9 38.6 54.8 68.9 76.5 80.0 75.1
1985 63.9 17.2 37.7 54.0 68.1 75.9 79.5 74.8
1986 63.8 17.2 36.7 53.6 67.3 76.0 79.9 75.0
1987 64.0 16.0 36.4 53.5 67.2 76.1 80.2 75.5
1988 63.8 15.8 35.9 53.2 66.9 75.6 79.5 75.6
1989 63.9 16.6 35.3 53.2 66.6 75.5 79.6 75.8
1990 63.9 15.7 35.2 51.8 66.3 75.2 79.3 76.3
1991 64.1 15.3 33.8 51.2 65.8 74.8 80.0 77.2
1992 64.1 14.9 33.6 50.5 65.1 75.1 80.2 77.1
1993 64.5 15.0 34.0 51.0 65.4 75.4 79.8 77.3
1993* 64.0 14.8 33.6 50.8 65.1 75.3 79.9 77.3
1994 64.0 14.9 34.1 50.6 64.5 75.2 79.3 77.4
1995 64.7 15.9 34.4 53.1 65.2 75.2 79.5 78.1
1996 65.4 18.0 34.7 53.0 65.5 75.6 80.0 78.9
1997 65.7 17.7 35.0 52.6 66.1 75.8 80.1 79.1
1998 66.3 18.2 36.2 53.6 66.9 75.7 80.9 79.3
1999 66.8 19.9 36.5 53.8 67.2 76.0 81.0 80.1
2000 67.4 21.7 38.1 54.6 67.9 76.5 80.3 80.4
2001 67.8 22.5 38.9 54.8 68.2 76.7 81.3 80.3
Quarterly Data
4th Quarter
68.0 24.1 40.8 55.0 68.2 76.2 81.4 80.7
1st Quarter
67.8 22.9 39.3 54.2 68.6 76.0 80.8 80.9
2nd Quarter
67.6 22.4 37.7 55.0 68.3 76.3 80.7 80.1
3rd Quarter
68.0 23.4 39.6 54.5 68.6 76.4 81.3 80.4
4th Quarter 68.3 23.3 39.5 56.4 69.0 76.4 81.5 80.8

*Revised based on adjusted 1990 Census weights rather than 1980 Census weights, resulting in lower estimates.

Source: Census Bureau, Department of Commerce

http://www.census.gov/hhes/www/hvs.html (See table 7)

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