In 2012, HUD commissioned a national random assignment evaluation of the Family Self-Sufficiency (FSS) program’s impacts on labor market and other quality of life outcomes for households receiving Housing Choice Vouchers (HCVs). This evaluation includes multiple reports.
- Promoting Work and Self-Sufficiency for Housing Voucher Recipients: Early Findings From the Family Self-Sufficiency Program Evaluation (2019)
- Work, Engagement, and Well-being at the Midpoint: Findings from the Family Self-Sufficiency Evaluation (2021)
- Nearing the Finish Line: 5-Year Findings From the Family Self-Sufficiency Evaluation (2021)
- Final Report on Program Effects and Lessons from the Family Self-Sufficiency Program Evaluation (2023)
The FSS program has two key components: i) funding for Public Housing Authorities (PHAs) to support case managers who work with participant households to develop individualized self-sufficiency plans and access other community services, and ii) funding to support savings and asset development via interest-bearing escrow accounts redeemable upon graduation from the program, generally after 5 years of FSS program participation.
Quick Links
- Promoting Work and Self-Sufficiency for Housing Voucher Recipients: Early Findings From the Family Self-Sufficiency Program Evaluation
- Work, Engagement, and Well-being at the Midpoint: Findings from the Family Self-Sufficiency Evaluation
- Nearing the Finish Line: 5-Year Findings From the Family Self-Sufficiency Evaluation
- Final Report on Program Effects and Lessons from the Family Self-Sufficiency Program Evaluation
Other HUD-Sponsored FSS Studies
Abt Study
Non-HUD Funded FSS Studies