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2008 AHAR to Congress

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2008 AHAR to Congress

Posted Date: July 2009


This report is intended for policymakers, planners, and service providers who seek current homelessness data to help them respond to the needs of the nation's homeless population. It includes an introduction to the AHAR, as well as information on the national estimates of all homeless people, shelter and unsheltered, sheltered homeless people in 2008, trends in sheltered homelessness between 2007 and 2008, and the nationwide capacity of residential programs for homeless people. Appendices include a list of 2008 AHAR sample sites and contributing communities, data collection and analysis methodology, continuum of care point-in-time counts of homeless persons, and counts of homeless sheltered persons using HMIS data.

To view all AHARs since 2007, visit the AHAR page.

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