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George R. Carter III Biography


Image of George R. Carter III, Director

George R. Carter III

George R. Carter III, Ph.D., is the Director of the Housing and Demographic Analysis Division (HDAD) in HUD's Office of Policy Development and Research. He oversees HUD's housing market surveys program, which includes the American Housing Survey, the Survey of Construction, the Survey of Market Absorption of New Multifamily Apartments, the Manufactured Housing Survey, and the Rental Housing Finance Survey.

Dr. Carter joined HDAD as a Social Science Analyst in 2013. He was promoted to the position of Senior Survey Statistician in 2018 and Director in 2021. Before coming to HUD, Dr. Carter worked for 7 years at the U.S. Census Bureau: 2 years as a Postdoctoral Fellow in the Center for Survey Methods Research and 5 years as a Survey Statistician in the American Housing Survey Branch. He is an Urban Sociologist and Survey Methodologist by training and has conducted research on homelessness, residential segregation, housing affordability, housing quality, housing insecurity, neighborhoods, negative equity, foreclosure, home equity conversion mortgages, utility costs, and poverty measurement.

Dr. Carter holds a Bachelor of Arts in Sociology and Philosophy from Haverford College and an M.A. and Ph.D. in Sociology from the University of Michigan. He spends most of his free time with his wife, son, and daughter and some of his time running, hiking, playing guitar, and listening to lots of different music genres. An avid soccer fan and dad, he recently retired from coaching his son's soccer and futsal teams, which he coached since 2014.