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A Roadmap for the Future of Factory-Built Housing


From: HUD USER News
Where should the factory-built housing industry be
headed, and what research is required to reach that
destination? Fifty-six business, industry, and government
leaders have helped shape the future of factory-built
housing by discussing this question. Their discussion is
the basis for recommendations outlined by the Partnership
for Advancing Technology in Housing (PATH) and the
Manufactured Housing Research Alliance (MHRA) in a new
publication released by HUD: Factory-Built Housing
Roadmap (Including Recommendations for Energy Research).
The report contains 64 research recommendations, with six
assigned the highest priority. The recommended research
agenda focuses on quality and performance, production,
delivery and installation, the factory-built housing
market, interests and needs of consumers, and strategies
for improving energy efficiency.
This report is available online and can be downloaded for
free at
It expands on an earlier document, Technology
Roadmap for Manufactured Housing (2003), also developed
by MHRA and PATH, that recommended how the factory-built
housing industry might continue to create and apply new
technologies to increase home value and performance. This
earlier publication can be ordered for a nominal fee by
calling HUD USER at 800-245-2691, option 1, or downloaded for
free at
Please contact us at:
P.O. Box 23268
Washington, DC 20026-3268
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