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AHS Digest


Here are the AHS Digest messages:

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From: "Vandenbroucke, David A" <> on 9/16/2008 10:05:39 AM
Subject: AHS Variable Name Index Update

The American Housing Survey Variable Name Index file has been updated to
include the 2007 national datasets. It is available for download from
the HUD USER web site at .

The Variable Name Index is a comma-separated-values (*.csv) file that
cross-indexes all the variable names used in AHS datasets with all of
the survey years, both metropolitan and national. For the 1997 and
later surveys, both the distribution and "flattened" versions of the
datasets are listed. Thus, you can use it to check the years in which a
particular variable appeared in the AHS. Many spreadsheet, dataset, and
statistical programs can import csv files. Thus, you can read this file
with Excel, Access, SAS, etc.

Dav Vandenbroucke
Senior Economist
U.S. Dept. HUD

I disclaim any disclaimers.

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From: "Vandenbroucke, David A" <> on 9/19/2008 1:04:15 PM
Subject: AHS: Update of SAMEHH for 1997

An update for the SAMEHH variable in the 1997 (yes, 1997) American
Housing Survey Dataset has been posted to the HUD USER web site at .

AHS 1997 SAMEHH contains a correction for the SAMEHH variable in
the 1997 American Housing Survey dataset. The corrected variable is
called R_SAMEHH.

R_SAMEHH is a recreated SAMEHH for 1997. Because SAMEHH was corrupted
in 1997, users can't determine if at least one household member is
present from the previous survey. Amy O'Hara of the Census Bureau
developed R_SAMEHH by matching the exact date of birth and sex between
1995 and 1997 internal data files. If one (or more) persons in a
household matched, R_SAMEHH=1, else 2.

The zip archive contains two data files. One is a SAS file, and the
other is a comma-delimited ASCII file. The two files contain the same
data. Use whichever one is more convenient to import into your
statistical software. Each file contains two variables: CONTROL and
R_SAMEHH. CONTROL is the standard AHS record ID number. R_SAMEHH is
the corrected SAMEHH variable. To merge the new variable with your
existing AHS data, sort both files by CONTROL and then match the records
on that variable.

Dav Vandenbroucke
Senior Economist
U.S. Dept. HUD

I disclaim any disclaimers.

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