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The Study of Childcare in Public Housing


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The Consolidated Appropriations Act, 2021 authorizes the U.S. Department of Housing and Urban Development (HUD) to pursue a "collaboration with the Department of Health and Human Services (HHS) to better prioritize or promote on-site childcare supportive services for HUD-assisted Families." To address this charge, HUD seeks first to understand the preferences of HUD-assisted families and their access to on-site childcare. The study will examine childcare needs and preferences of HUD assisted families; how HUD-assisted families engage with and access federally supported childcare assistance programs (CCDF and Head Start); the availability of childcare services at or near federally assisted housing; and how the availability of federally supported childcare can be improved for HUD-assisted families. HUD has contracted with Summit LLC to conduct the Study of Childcare in Public Housing. The study will produce a final report to be delivered by January 2025 and posted at a later date. The contract has also been extended to September 2025 for the research team to match HUD administrative data with state-level childcare assistance data to determine the portion of eligible HUD families which receive childcare assistance.

Note: The status of this project is ongoing.

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