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Indian Housing in the U.S.: A History


Authors: Housing Assistance Council    

Report Acceptance Date: February 1988 (96 pages)

Posted Date: August 11, 2023

This historical publication was produced by the Housing Assistance Council and centers upon the efforts of HUD in the area of Indian housing as well as the contributions of BIA, HIP, HIS, and other governmental organizations. The summary starts in 1961 with the PHA determining that Indians on reservations and elsewhere were eligible for the PHA low-rent program and continues until 1987 with the implementation of Amerind which was a third party claims administrator which provided insurance for IHAs. The paper was meant to explain the role HUD had in developing Indian housing, what the programs did, and how the federal agencies coordinated the improvement of successful projects.

This report is part of the collection of scanned historical documents available to the public.


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