Youthbuild, a youth and community development program, was authorized in 1992 under the Housing and Community Development Act (HCDA) of 1992. It was based on the example of a privately funded project originating in New York in which youth who had dropped out of school participated in a program of personal and community development that taught leadership and public-speaking skills, helped the youth to earn their General Educational Development (GED) certificate, and provided both formal and informal counseling. While in this program, participants also developed job skills through projects to renovate abandoned buildings in their neighborhoods. A demonstration program in the early 1990s encouraged the implementation of a national program. Since then, a national network of Youthbuild programs has evolved, incorporating the same elements as the New York model. The U.S. Department of Housing and Urban Development (HUD) administers this program and provides funding, through an annual competitive grant application process, to local organizations who implement the Youthbuild program.