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Field Test of Advanced Duct-Sealing Technologies within the Weatherization Assistance Program


Author(s): Oak Ridge National Laboratory     Ternes, Mark P.     Hwang, Ho-Ling     UT-BATTELLE    

Report Acceptance Date: November 2001 (124 pages)

Posted Date: November 01, 2001

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A field test of an aerosol-spray duct-sealing technology and a conventional, best-practice approach was performed in 80 homes to determine the efficacy and programmatic needs of the duct-sealing technologies as applied in the U.S. Department of Energy Weatherization Assistance Program. The field test was performed in five states: Iowa, Virginia, Washington, West Virginia, and Wyoming. The study found that, compared with the best-practice approach, the aerosol-spray technology is 50% more effective at sealing duct leaks and can potentially reduce labor time and costs for duct sealing by 70%, or almost 4 crew-hours. Further study to encourage and promote use of the aerosol-spray technology within the Weatherization Assistance Program is recommended. A pilot test of fullproduction weatherization programs using the aerosol-spray technology is recommended to develop approaches for integrating this technology with other energy conservation measures and minimizing impacts on weatherization agency logistics. In order to allow or improve adoption of the aerosolspray technology within the Weatherization Assistance Program, issues must be addressed concerning equipment costs, use of the technology under franchise arrangements with Aeroseal, Inc. (the holders of an exclusive license to use this technology), software used to control the equipment, safety, and training. Application testing of the aerosol-spray technology in mobile homes is also recommended.

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* Chapter 1 (*.pdf, 47 KB)
* Chapter 2 (*.pdf, 2220 KB)
* Chapters 3-10 (*.pdf, 458 KB)

Publication Categories: Publications     Housing Production and Technology     Building Methods     Energy, Environment, and Green     Other    


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