"On behalf of HUD Secretary Shaun Donovan and the Office of Policy Development and Research (PD&R), I want to express our appreciation to the hundreds of people who have contributed their suggestions for the Fiscal Year 2011 PD&R research agenda. We have heard from practitioners, customers, professors, students, contractors, associations, HUD employees, and citizens writing on their own behalf. The overwhelming response has made it clear that there is tremendous demand for useful knowledge.
The volume of responses suggests a research agenda that greatly exceeds the resources we have available. That said, we will explore ways to harness the energy and ideas that this process has spawned to advance as many of these suggestions into formal projects as possible. We commit to working hard to deliver to the public the greatest possible informational value for the funds invested with us.
Thank you for reminding us about the topics you care about, and the importance that our research can have. We will continue to work with you to advance our knowledge in support of HUD’s mission."
– Dr. Raphael Bostic
Assistant Secretary for Policy Development and Research